Singing Guide: The Sylvers

Singing Guide: The Sylvers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like The Sylvers can unlock your potential to produce some of the hottest, catchiest, and most infectious soul and disco tracks ever written. The Sylvers were a family vocal group whose popularity skyrocketed from the early '70s to the late '80s. Their sophisticated singing style features rich harmonies, intricate rhythms, and an impressive vocal range.

If you want to learn to sing like The Sylvers, first, you need to have impeccable rhythm and timing. Their tight grooves and funky beats can challenge even advanced vocalists. You must train your ear to be able to say in sync with each other, and the music must practice timing and phrasing to achieve the perfect synchronization with the instrumentalists.

The Sylvers vocal sound is defined by intricate harmony arrangements, where each sibling plays an essential part. This requires a thorough understanding of the voice, its capabilities, and how each voice fits into the music. Fortunately, Singing Carrots offers an excellent comprehensive course covering all the singing theory and practical tips you need.

The Sylvers' unique vocal technique is their ability to blend their voices effortlessly into a melodic dance that can reach the heights of orchestral movement. To learn this technique, you can use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training program, which includes interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises for agility and range.

Finally, to fully imitate The Sylvers' vocal style, you must master their unique phrasing, breathing, and delivery. Singing Carrots' Breath Support and Voice Registers & Vocal Break articles can help set you on the right path, along with the Open Mouth & Throat article that advises singers to keep a relaxed mouth and open throat.

Suppose you want to develop your own unique vocal style or simply practice new techniques. In that case, Singing Carrots' articles cover everything from classical and jazz to pop and contemporary singing styles, along with practical exercises designed to target specific singing features.

To put your newfound skills to the test, you can use the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test, which determines your range and can match you with songs that suit your abilities. You can also use the Search Songs by Vocal Range feature to find songs perfect for practicing your technique.

In conclusion, mastering The Sylvers' vocal style can be a tricky feat, requiring impeccable timing, complex rhythmic harmony, and advanced voice control. But with the right teaching tools from Singing Carrots, including Pitch Training, Breath Support, and Voice Registers & Vocal Break articles, you can undoubtedly polish your singing skills and become a more confident, versatile, and sophisticated singer.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.